110學年度 專任教師發表於【國際期刊】研究成果 統計日期:106(2017/08/01) - 110 (2021/07/31)
編號 | 系名 | 教師姓名 | 職稱 | 學刊性質 | 期刊資料 | 期別/頁數 | 著作名稱 | 出刊日期 | |
1 | 觀光系 | 翁振益 | 教授 | SSCI | Sustainability |
13(4), 1665 |
How Chinese Students' Travel Constraints Influence Their Travel Intentions in Thailand: Moderating Role of Cross-Cultural Adaptation |
2021/02/01 | |
2 | 觀光系 | 翁振益 | 教授 | TSSCI | 觀光休閒學報 | 26(2), 123-154 | 婚宴餐廳選擇因素與消費價值模式關係之研究 | 2020/08/01 | |
3 | 觀光系 | 楊俊明 | 教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Research in Marketing | 37(3), 557-571. | Restrained by resources: The effect of scarcity cues and childhood socioeconomic status (SES) on consumer preference for feasibility | 2020/09/01 | |
4 |
觀光系 |
楊俊明 | 教授 | TSSCI | 管理學報 | 37(1), 1-34 | 天下父母心:養育動機對消費者從眾傾向的影響 | 2020/01/03 | |
5 |
觀光系 |
楊俊明 | 教授 | TSSCI | 管理學報 | 37(2), 129-168 | 知覺經濟向上流動性對消費者未來時間焦點之影響 | 2020/06/01 | |
6 | 觀光系 | 楊俊明 | 教授 | TSSCI | 中山管理評論 | 28(3),419-468 | 一分錢一分貨?經濟階級流動性知覺對價格品質判斷的影響 | 2020/09/01 | |
7 | 觀光系 | 黃永全 | 副教授 | SSCI | Tourism Management Perspectives | 36 | The influence of transformational leadership on subordinate creative behaviour development process | 2020/10/01 | |
8 | 觀光系 | 黃永全 | 副教授 | SSCI | Research in Transportation Business & Management | 37 | Buffering effects of brand perception to behavioural intention - Evidence of China airlines | 2020/12/01 | |
9 | 觀光系 | 林濰榕 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism | 31, 100318 | Place- and activity-related antecedents of challenge perception in | 2020/09/01 | |
10 | 休憩系 | 張軒瑄 | 教授 | SSCI | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research | 2021/5/1 | Effect of tourist-to-tourist encounters:increased conflict or reduced social distance? | 2021/05/01 | |
11 | 休憩系 | 方彥博 | 副教授 | SSCI | Management Decision | 58,544-568 | Network activities as critical sources of creating capability and competitive advantage | 2020/03/01 | |
12 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Sustainability | 12(14), 5652. | Research of the effect of tourism economic contact on the efficiency of the tourism industry | 2020/07/01 | |
13 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Tourism Management | 75, 609-625. | Evaluation and Drive Mechanism of Tourism Ecological Security based on the DPSIR-DEA model | 2019/12/01 | |
14 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | The Service Industries Journal | 40(7-8), 585-609. | Co-competition, Learning, and Business Strategy for New Service Development. | 2020/07/01 | |
15 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 82, 278-286. | The multilevel effects of transformational leadership on entrepreneurial orientation and service innovation | 2019/09/01 | |
16 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Transportation Letters | 11(10), 580-588. | Understanding service quality and reputation effects on purchase behavior through image: The moderating roles of service reliability |
2019/11/01 |
17 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Human Resources Management | 31(10), 1207-1234. | Clarifying the Effect of Organizational Learning on Service Innovation: The Mediating Role of Intelligential Capital | 2020/05/01 | |
18 | 餐旅系 | 胡欣慧 | 教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 95, 1-10 | Restaurant preventive behaviors and the role of media during a pandemic |
2021/03/13 |
19 | 餐旅系 | 胡欣慧 | 教授 | SSCI | Journal of Air Transport Management | 94 | The Impact of Airline Internal Branding on Work Outcomes using Job Satisfaction as a Mediator | 2021/01/07 | |
20 | 餐旅系 | 宋永坤 | 助理教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 95, 1-10 | Restaurant preventive behaviors and the role of media during a pandemic |
2021/03/13 |
21 | 餐旅系 | 宋永坤 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Journal of Air Transport Management | 94 | The Impact of Airline Internal Branding on Work Outcomes using Job Satisfaction as a Mediator | 2021/07/01 | |
22 | 餐旅系 | 張雅媛 | 專案助理教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 92, 102732 | Identifying the strategic implications of service attributes of wedding banquet halls for market competition and risk management |
2021/01/01 |
23 | 餐旅系 | 張雅媛 | 專案助理教授 | SSCI | Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics | 33(7), 1648-1666 | Fertility care quality and experiential relationship marketing: A case study of Mainland Chinese fertility tourists to Malaysia | 2021/06/30 | |
24 | 餐旅系 | 張雅媛 | 專案助理教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 95, 102938 | Construction of a service quality scale for the online food delivery industry |
2021/05/01 |
25 | 餐旅系 | 吳彥濬 | 兼任教授 | SCI | Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing | 2021, 9915315 | Multivariate Time Series Data Clustering Method Based on Dynamic Time Warping and Affinity Propagation | 2021/06/28 | |
26 | 餐旅系 | 吳彥濬 | 兼任教授 | SSCI | Frontiers in Psychology | 12, 689840. | The Bottom-Line Mentality of Leaders in Education and Training Institutions: Where to Go for Innovation? |
2021/07/02 |
27 | 餐旅系 | 吳彥濬 | 兼任教授 | SSCI | Frontiers in Psychology | 12, 646145. | What Type of Social Support Is Important for Student Resilience During COVID-19? A Latent Profile Analysis | 2021/06/22 | |
28 | 餐旅系 | 吳彥濬 | 兼任教授 | SSCI | Sustainability | 13(14), 7585. | The Sustainable Development of Financial Topic Detection and Trend Prediction by Data Mining |
2021/07/02 |
109學年度 專任教師發表於【國際期刊】研究成果 統計日期:107(2018/08/01) - 108 (2020/07/31)
編號 | 系名 | 教師姓名 | 職稱 | 學刊性質 | 期刊名稱 | 期別/頁數 | 著作名稱 | 出刊日期 | |
1 | 觀光系 | 楊俊明 | 副教授 | TSSCI | 管理學報 | 37(2), 129-168 | 知覺經濟向上流動性對消費者未來時間焦點之影響 | 06/01/2020 | |
2 | 觀光系 | 楊俊明 | 副教授 | TSSCI | 管理學報 | 37(1), 1-34 | 天下父母心:養育動機對消費者從眾傾向的影響 | 03/01/2020 | |
3 | 觀光系 | 黃永全 | 副教授 | SSCI | The Service Industries Journal | Volume 40, 2020 - Issue 7-8, | Co-competition, learning, and business strategy for new service development | 06/01/2020 | |
4 | 觀光系 | 黃永全 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management | 42, 222-234 | The critical criteria for innovation entrepreneurship of restaurants: Considering the interrelationship effect of human capital and competitive strategy a case study in Taiwan | 03/01/2020 | |
5 | 觀光系 | 黃永全 | 副教授 | SSCI | Current Issues in Tourism | Volume 23, 2020 - Issue 11, 1357-1374 | An integrated structural model examining the relationships between natural capital, tourism image and risk impact and behavioural intention | 06/01/2020 | |
6 | 觀光系 | 古璧慎 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Leisure Sciences | Published online | Body image, beliefs about appearance, and leisure constraints among Taiwanese female adolescents: Does leisure self-efficacy matter? | 11/01/2019 | |
7 | 觀光系 | 林濰榕 | 助理教授 | SSCI | LEISURE SCIENCES | Published online | Work-Family Conflict and Psychological Well-Being of Tour Leaders: The Moderating Effect of Leisure Coping Styles | 2019/ OCT | |
8 | 休憩系 | 林莉萍 | 副教授 | SSCI | Tourism Management | 28(2020) | Could virtual reality effectively market slow travel in a heritage destination? | 06/01/2020 | |
9 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research | 42(6), 960-978 | Conceptualizing, validating, and managing brand equity for tourist satisfaction | 08/01/2018 | |
10 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Management & Organization | 24(6), 870-892. | Knowledge exploration and innovation: A review and an inverse S-curve proposition | 11/01/2018 | |
11 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 75, 160-170 | The role of problem identification and intellectual capital in the management of hotels’ competitive advantage-an integrated framework | 09/01/2018 | |
12 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | The International Journal of Human Resource Management | 30(12), 1956-1976 | The power of coworkers in service innovation: The moderating role of social interaction | 06/01/2019 | |
13 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | TSSCI | 觀光休閒學報 | 24(3), 321-351. | 永續意象與滿意度關聯:從多重中介教色驗證動機及價值評估 | 12/01/2018 | |
14 | 休憩系 | 林佳陞 | 專案助理教授 | TSSCI | 科技管理學刊 | 24(4), 69-103 | 新技術之多面向應用分析與探討:以QR Code為例 | 12/01/2019 | |
15 | 餐旅系 | 周勝方 | 副教授 | SSCI | The Service Industries Journal | 40(7-8), 585-609. | Co-competition, learning, and business strategy for new service development | 07/29/2019 | |
16 | 餐旅系 | 周勝方 | 副教授 | SSCI | Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research | 23(8), 747-764 | How to create competitive advantage: the moderate role of organizational learning as a link between shared value, dynamic capability, differential strategy, and social capital | 08/03/2018 | |
17 | 餐旅系 | 周勝方 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services | 55, 102-113. | Identifying the critical factors of customer behavior: An integration perspective of marketing strategy and components of attitudes | 03/15/2020 | |
18 | 餐旅系 | 周勝方 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management | 44, 162-170. | The roles of university education in promoting students’ passion for learning, knowledge management and entrepreneurialism | 07/20/2020 | |
19 | 餐旅系 | 周勝方 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, | 42, 222-234. | The critical criteria for innovation entrepreneurship of restaurants: Considering the interrelationship effect of human capital and competitive strategy a case study in Taiwan | 01/29/2020 | |
20 | 餐旅系 | 胡欣慧 | 教授 | SSCI | Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research | 44(7), 1126-1152. | Restaurant Employee Service Sabotage and Customer Deviant Behaviors-Corporate Reputation as a Moderator | 07/03/2020 | |
21 | 餐旅系 | 胡欣慧 | 教授 | SSCI | Service Business | 14, 361-385 | The effects of culture shock on foreign employees in the service industry | 07/02/2020 | |
22 | 餐旅系 | 宋永坤 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Telematics and Informatics | 44, 1-14 | Effect of tangibilization cues on consumer purchase intention in the social media context: Regulatory focus perspective and the moderating role of perceived trust | 08/01/2019 | |
23 | 餐旅系 | 張雅媛 | 專案助理教授 | SCIE | British Food Journal | 122(5), 1549-1571. | Determinants of customers’ choice of dining-related services: the case of Taipei City | 03/29/2020 | |
24 | 餐旅系 | 張雅媛 | 專案助理教授 | SSCI | Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism | 20(2), 178-203. | Arctic attachment and experiential relationship marketing in Arctic tourism | 05/18/2020 |
108學年度 專任教師發表於【國際期刊】研究成果 統計日期:106(2017/08/01) - 108 (2019/07/31)
編號 | 系名 | 教師姓名 | 職稱 | 學刊性質 | 期刊資料 | 期別/頁數 | 著作名稱 | 出刊日期 | |
1 | 觀光系 | 翁振益 | 教授 | EI | International Journal of Innovation Science |
10(3), 316-332 |
The innovative grant of university-industry-research cooperation: A case study for Taiwan's technology development programs |
2018/07/01 | |
2 | 觀光系 | 林青蓉 | 教授 | SSCI | Sustainability | 11(5), 1341 | Development of an Issue-Situation–Based Board Game: A Systemic Learning Environment for Water Resource Adaptation Education. | 2019/03/04 | |
3 | 觀光系 | 楊俊明 | 副教授 | TSSCI | 管理學報 | 36(2), 117-150 | 經濟不安全感對消費者我族主義之影響 | 2019/06/01 | |
4 |
觀光系 |
黃永全 | 副教授 | SSCI | Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research | 23(8), 747-764 | How to create competitive advantage: The moderate role of organizational learning as a link between shared value, dynamic capability, different strategy, and social capital | 2018/08/01 | |
5 |
觀光系 |
黃永全 | 副教授 | TSSCI | 觀光休閒學報 | 24(3), 321-352 | Sustainable intention to satisfaction: The multiple mediators of motivation and value evaluation | 2018/12/01 | |
6 | 休憩系 | 林莉萍 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Sustainable Tourism | 26(9), 1625-1646 | How would the contextual features of a destination function together with individual factors to enhance tourists’ intention toward ST in Taiwan? | 2018/11/01 | |
7 | 休憩系 | 方彥博 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research | 42(6), 960-978 | Conceptualizing, Validating, and Managing Brand Equity for Tourist Satisfaction | 2018/08/01 | |
8 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Tourism Management | 64, 258-270 | Examining social capital, organizational learning and knowledge transfer in cultural and creative industries of practice | 2018/02/01 | |
9 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 66, 13-23 | Creating competitive advantage: Linking perspectives of organization learning, innovation behavior and intellectual capital | 2017/09/01 | |
10 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management | 30(1), 455-474 | Developing a sustainable service innovation framework for the hospitality industry | 2018/01/01 | |
11 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education | 21, 69-82 | Remodeling progress in tourism and hospitality students’ creativity through social capital and transformational leadership | 2017/11/01 | |
12 | 餐旅系 | 胡欣慧 | 教授 | SSCI | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management | 35(1-8),1447-6770 | Shaping the organizational citizenship behavior or workplace deviance: Key determining factors in the hospitality workforce | 2018/06/01 | |
13 | 餐旅系 | 周勝方 | 副教授 | TSSCI | 觀光休閒學報 | 25(2),133-172 | 餐旅組織永續性挑戰:從實證觀點檢視重要屬性、創新及新技術導入影響 | 2018/08/01 | |
14 | 餐旅系 | 周勝方 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of hospitality, leisure, sport & tourism education | 24, 190-201 | Effect of creative problem-solving teaching on the sustainable service innovation literacy of undergraduate hospitality students | 2019/04/14 | |
15 | 餐旅系 | 周勝方 | 副教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management | 30(1), 455-474 | Developing a sustainable service innovation framework for the hospitality industry | 2018/10/13 | |
16 | 餐旅系 | 周勝方 | 副教授 | SSCI | Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research | 23(10),1008-1020 | Does corporate image really enhance consumer’s behavioural intentions? | 2018/09/01 |
107學年度 專任教師發表於【國際期刊】研究成果 統計日期:105(2016/08/01) - 107 (2018/07/31)
編號 | 系名 | 教師姓名 | 職稱 | 學刊性質 | 期刊資料 | 期別/頁數 | 著作名稱 | 出刊日期 | |
1 | 觀光系 | 翁振益 | 教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Tourism Research | 18(5) ,458-468. | ‘Does it Really Affect Me?’ Tourism Destination Narratives, Destination Image, and the Intention to Visit: Examining the Moderating Effect of Narrative Transportation | 09/01/2016 | |
2 | 觀光系 | 楊俊明 | 副教授 | TSSCI | 管理學報 | 34(4), 577-605 | 回歸美好年代:經濟不安全感對懷舊訴求廣告效果的促進作用 | 12/01/2017 | |
3 | 觀光系 | 李長斌 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Information Technology for Development | DOI: 10.1080/ 02681102. 2017.1412290 |
Qualitative analysis of cultural tourism websites of municipalities in Taiwan | 12/11/2017 | |
4 | 觀光系 | 古璧慎 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Journal of Travel Research | Published online | The effect of tour leaders' emotional intelligence on tourists' consequences | 10/30/2017 | |
5 | 休憩系 | 黃永全 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education | 21, 88-100. | Analysis of tourism and hospitality sustainability education with co-competition creativity course planning | 11/01/2017 | |
6 | 觀光系 | 黃永全 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing | 34(7), 919-934. | A natural capital model of influences for ecotourism intentions and the buffering effects of emotional values | 09/01/2017 | |
7 | 觀光系 | 林濰榕 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Journal of Destination Marketing & Management | 9, 97-103 | Structural model of hassles experienced at travel destinations | 29/11/2017 | |
8 | 休憩系 | 林莉萍 | 副教授 | SSCI | Tourism Management | 23388 | Determinants of CSER practices for reducing greenhouse gas emissions: From the perspectives of administrative managers in tour operators | 07/14/2017 | |
9 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Tourism Management | 61, 553-561. | The relationships among intellectual capital, social capital, and performance - The moderating role of business ties and environmental uncertainty | 08/01/2017 | |
10 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing | 34(7), 919-934. | A natural capital model of influences for ecotourism intentions and the buffering effects of emotional values | 09/01/2017 | |
11 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Sustainability | 8(8), 739-758.. | Expert Concepts of Sustainable Service Innovation in Restaurants in Taiwan | 08/01/2016 | |
12 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research | 22(5), 524-539. | Validating a multidimensional perspective of brand equity on motivation, expectation, and behavioural intention: a practical examination of culinary tourism | 05/01/2017 | |
13 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 63, 44-52. | From innovation to sustainability: Sustainability innovations of eco-friendly hotels in Taiwan | 05/01/2017 | |
14 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education | 21, 88-100. | Analysis of tourism and hospitality sustainability education with co-competition creativity course planning | 11/01/2017 | |
15 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Sustainability | 9(9), 1501-1516 | Measuring tourism risk impacts on destination image | 09/01/2017 | |
16 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | TSSCI | 課程與教學 | 21(1), 191-221. | Effects of Creative Problem Solving Strategies Instruction on Tourism and Hospitality Undergraduate Students | 01/01/2018 | |
17 | 休憩系 | 張軒瑄 | 教授 | TSSCI | 觀光休閒學報 | 22(2), 123 - 149 | 觀光客對於尋路方向指引資訊之偏好研究 | 08/01/2016 | |
18 | 餐旅系 | 胡欣慧 | 教授 | TSSCI | 觀光休閒學報 | 24(1),1 63-84 | 最低消費限制與風險折扣應用對消費者購買決策之影響-以餐飲業為例 | 04/01/2018 | |
19 | 餐旅系 | 周勝方 | 副教授 | SSCI | Sustainability | 8(8), 739-758. | Expert Concepts of Sustainable Service Innovation in Restaurants in Taiwan | 03/08/2016 | |
20 | 餐旅系 | 周勝方 | 副教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 63, 44-52. | From innovation to sustainability: Sustainability innovations of eco-friendly hotels in Taiwan. | 28/02/2017 | |
21 | 餐旅系 | 周勝方 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of hospitality, leisure, sport & tourism education | 21, 88-100 | Analysis of tourism and hospitality sustainability education with co-competition creativity course planning | 22/08/2017 |
106學年度 專任教師發表於【國際期刊】研究成果 統計日期:104(2015/08/01) - 106 (2017/07/31)
編號 | 系名 | 教師姓名 | 職稱 | 學刊性質 | 期刊資料 | 期別/頁數 | 著作名稱 | 出刊日期 | |
1 | 觀光系 | 翁振益 | 教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Contemporary | 29(7),1873-1891 | Sustainable international tourist hotels: the role of the executive chef | 2017/01/07 | |
2 | 觀光系 | 黃永全 | 助理教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management |
29(7),1854-1872 |
Moderating and Mediating Roles of Environmental Concern and Ecotourism Experience for Revisit Intention |
2017/01/07 | |
3 | 觀光系 | 黃永全 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Sustainability | 8(8), 739-757 | Expert Concepts of Sustainable Service Innovation in Restaurants in Taiwan | 2016/03/08 | |
4 | 觀光系 | 林青蓉 | 副教授 | TSSCI | 課程與教學季刊 | 20(2),2017 | 剪紙遊戲在環境教育通識課程之運用:先盲角色扮演與永續發展價值澄清 | 2017/01/04 | |
5 |
休憩系 |
張軒瑄 | 教授 | TSSCI | 觀光休閒學報 | 22(2), 123-149 | 觀光客對於尋路方向指引資訊之偏好研究 | 2016/01/08 | |
6 |
休憩系 |
張軒瑄 | 教授 | TSSCI | 觀光休閒學報 | 21(2), 183-220 | 在地人對陸客來台觀光發展之衝擊認知與支持態度-觀光依賴度與接觸經驗之調節效果 | 2015/01/08 | |
7 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing | 33(8), 1143-1161 | The Relationships Among Brand Equity, Culinary Attraction, and Foreign Tourist Satisfaction. | 2016/01/10 | |
8 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management | 28(11), 2374-2398 | Night markets: entrepreneurship and achieving competitive advantage. | 2016/01/11 | |
9 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Air Transport Management | 53, 226-234 | The influence of tourists' expectations on purchase intention: Linking marketing strategy for low-cost airlines. | 2016/01/02 | |
10 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Small Group Research | 48(1), 93-114 | Moderating and mediating roles of environmental concern and ecotourism experience for revisit intention | 2017/01/02 | |
11 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management | 29(7), 1854-1872 | Knownledge Cooperation Diversification Strategy for Tourism Scholar Creativity: The Moderating Role of Tie Strength | 2016/01/01 | |
12 | 休憩系 | 林莉萍 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Journal of Sustainable Tourism | 25(3),379-396 | Industrial tourists’ behavioral intention toward slow travel in Taiwan | 2017/01/03 | |
13 | 休憩系 | 方彥博 | 助理教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management | 28(11), 2374-2398 | Night markets: entrepreneurship and achieving competitive advantage | 2016/01/10 | |
14 | 餐旅系 | 胡欣慧 | 教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Contemporary | 29((7),1793-1813 | Impacts of Misbehaving Air Passengers on Frontline Employees: Role Stress and Emotional Labor | 2017/01/07 | |
15 | 餐旅系 | 周勝方 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Sustainability | 8(8), 739-757 | Expert Concepts of Sustainable Service Innovation in Restaurants in Taiwan | 2016/03/08 |
105學年度 專任教師發表於【國際期刊】研究成果 統計日期:103(2014/08/01) - 105 (2016/07/31)
編號 | 系名 | 教師姓名 | 職稱 | 學刊性質 | 期刊資料 | 期別/頁數 | 著作名稱 | 出刊日期 | |
1 | 觀光系 | 翁振益 | 教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Contemporary | 27((7),1539-1555 | The role of work-to -leisure conflict in promoting frontline employees' leisure satisfaction:Examining the Job Demand-Control-Support Model | 2015/10/01 | |
2 | 觀光系 | 翁振益 | 教授 | SSCI | International Journal of Tourism Research | 17(2)161-170 | Celebrity attachment and behavioral intentions: The mediating role of place attachment | 2015/03/01 | |
3 | 觀光系 | 陳耀竹 | 教授 | TSSCI | 傳播與社會學刊 | 30(2014),27-69 | 中國大陸與台灣地區文化創意產業園區公司協力夥伴關係之比較研究 | 2014/10/01 | |
4 | 觀光系 | 陳耀竹 | 教授 | SCI | JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING | 25,605-621 | A Hybrid MCDM Approach for Taiwanese | 2015/12/01 | |
5 | 觀光系 | 余尚恩 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting | Vol. 26, Issue. 1, 39–71 | CEO stock-based incentive compensation and firm performance: A quantile regression approach |
2015/01/19 | |
6 | 休憩系 | 張軒瑄 | 副教授 | SSCI | Tourism Geopraphies | 17(3),350-369 | Which one helps torists most?Perspectives of international tourists using different navigation aids | 2015/03/19 | |
7 | 休憩系 | 張軒瑄 | 副教授 | TSSCI | 觀光休閒學報 | 21(2),183-220 | 在地人對陸客來台觀光之衝擊認知與支持態度-觀光依賴度與接觸經驗之調節效果 | 2015/08/01 | |
8 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Air Transport Management | 17,28-38 | Awakening student creativity: Empirical evidence in a learning environment context2015 | 2015/11/01 | |
9 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Reserch | 20(12),1353-1373 | Measuring Employee's Creativity:A New Theoretical Model and Empirical Study for Tourism Industry. | 2015/12/01 | |
10 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Reserch | 21(sup1),S53-S75 | The Role of Perceived Insider Status in Employee Creativity:Developing and Testing a Mediation and Three-Way Interaction Model. | 2016/01/01 | |
11 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Air Transport Management | 21(1),94-117 | Knownledge Cooperation Diversification Strategy for Tourism Scholar Creativity: The Moderating Role of Tie Strength | 2016/01/01 | |
12 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Sustainability | 8(3),223-241 | The Role of Sustainable Service Innovation in Crafting the Vision of the Hospitality Industry | 2016/03/01 | |
13 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Air Transport Management | 52,42-54. | Service Quality and Price Perception of Service: Influence on Word-of-Mouth and Revisit Intention | 2016/04/01 | |
14 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Tourism Management | 54,298-308 | Tourism strategy development and facilitation of integrative processes among brand equity,marketing and motivation | 2016/06/01 | |
15 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Air Transport Management | 18,9-20 | How to establish a creative atmosphere in tourism and hospitality education in the context of China | 2016/06/01 | |
16 | 休憩系 | 劉志興 | 副教授 | SSCI | Journal of Air Transport Management | 21(7),717-740 | An empirical examination of the from of the relationship between sustainable tourism experiences and satisfaction | 2016/07/01 | |
17 | 休憩系 | 羅健文 | 助理教授 | SCI | Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport, Published Online | Effects of 'green transport' on leisure behaviour in cities | 2016/05/09 | ||
18 | 休憩系 | 羅健文 | 助理教授 | TSSCI | 台灣土地研究 | 第18卷,第2期,81-108 | 應用模糊德爾菲法與分析網路程序法建立綠色運輸與遊憩路線規劃指標之研究 | 2015/11/01 | |
19 | 餐旅系 | 胡欣慧 | 教授 | SSCI | The Service Industries Journal | Vol. 36.2016, 1/2, p. 21-36 | Factors affecting employee willingness to report customer feedback | 2016/01/01 | |
20 | 餐旅系 | 蘇靖淑 | 副教授 | SSCI | Annals of Tourism Research | 56,128-131 | Quality and value of aboriginal Amis Harvest Festival | 2016/01/31 | |
21 | 餐旅系 | 周勝方 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Sustainability | 2016, 8(3), 223 | The Role of Sustainable Service Innovation in Crafting the Vision of the Hospitality Industry | 2016/04/01 | |
22 | 餐旅系 | 周勝方 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Tourism Management | 54(2016),298-308 | Tourism strategy development and facilitation of integrative processes among brand equity,marketing and motivation | 2016/06/26 | |
23 | 餐旅系 | 周勝方 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Reserch | 21(7),717-740 | An Emprirical Examination of the Form of Relationship Between Sustainable Tourism Experience and Satisfaction | 2016/07/21 | |
24 | 餐旅系 | 宋永坤 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Reserch | 21(8),862-882 | Market Segmentation of International Tourists Based on Motivation to Travel:A Case Study of Taiwan | 2016/09/10 | |
25 | 餐旅系 | 宋永坤 | 助理教授 | SSCI | Annals of Tourism Research | 56,128-131 | The quality and value of Hualien's Amis Harvest Festival | 2016/01/01 | |
26 | 餐旅系 | 宋永坤 | 助理教授 | TSSCI | 運輸學刊 | 27(3),P311-344 | 選擇傳統或廉價航空乘客影響因素之研究:以臺北-大阪航線為例 | 2015/09/01 |